(left - biggest plant & head)
Tomorrow will start up our commitment to finishing the boat in the next 4-6 wks. We will put in a full day, 2 of us, on the topside.
For today, I wanted to share an exciting development in the garden. I have 3 heads of cauliflower!!!! FINALLY!! It's been 4 full months. (right- my Lazarus "should be dead" plant w/ the next biggest head)
Found this 3rd one today. Big plant and should be a substantial veggie when done growing.
My bell peppers are slowing down. One to three tomatoes are turning red each week. Carrots & onions are still growing. Herbs are my best friend in the kitchen.
I did pull another section of weed/yucky plants from an older flower bed and turned the soil. I think I'm going to add soil & make that my bean area for spring/summer. I would also like to make a strawberry bed but I don't know how much space that takes.
Again, be sure to check back tomorrow for boat improvement pictures.
Happy New Year!