Thursday, August 16, 2007

r.a.dKIDS testing day!

Here is the first video with both boys. Big guy gets to do his kneeing into the mat and then smiles for the camera. Cute ham! Little man then is up and he does some low-back-hammer's to the mat. It's hard to get clarity but you get the idea of what they're doing.

Here is a slightly more close-up version. First little man is blocking hits, then taking a kick on the red mat, then I turn just in time to see big brother hitting Bob with high-hammer fists.

This one is 2 min, but it shows you the overall view of the room & various moves they learned over the course of 3 days. It would be hard for me to describe which 2 are my boys so I won't even try. They are in there.

Here the entire class is posing with Bob. Big guy is on the far left and Little man is right behind Bob's head (blonde).

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