Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fileting a fish - for Lynnette

The first shot is the entry point in the shoulder area where you want to start. The thumb is helpful to pulling back the meat but be very careful not to cut yourself.

The second picture is of that first cut going from the shoulder down towards the tail. As it gets very narrow, Jack actually puts the filet knife point all the way through the whole width of the fish body and finishes out the tail area.

This third picture is the 2nd major cut that you make from the shoulder area down past the guts area. You can actually (I do) make this more angular to bypass the stomach region entirely.

Then you would make that incision that completes the cuts to the lower section of the fish meat.

Lynnette, I do hope this helps give you a visual with my original comments.


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It makes so much more sense when I have a visual! The boys are out fishing now, so we shall see if they catch some more fish!

Renee said...


Love you fish guts and all :oP
