Sunday, June 01, 2008

by Robin

The next morning after catching the three big blessings, I admit to taking something for the pain in my back and legs. I felt like a Mac Truck had hit me, so I'm sure Jack felt like 3 hit him since he did most of my heafty work for me. Offshore fishing is more like an endurance run, not a sprint. There has to be some level of physical fitness to withstand dehydration, starvation by seasickness and pulling in big angry fish.

Anyhow, as Jack cleaned the grouper and then mahi, next up was the cobia. What a massive body! Three days later, I'm still in awe and disbelief in the size of this fishy. I had Jack take these other pics so you could grasp the size of even the head of it next to my head. It could swallow my fist easily (probably two!).

Extreme fishing is when whatever your catching can eat you too. LOL. I didn't fear the fish until it was in the boat though. Cobia have the reputation of saving all their fight for once they're inside the boat. I've seen what a 22 lb'er can do. I can't imagine 3x the power on the deck floor. I could only think to tail rope the fish. The first attempt landed me slime across the cheek and the rope slid back off. Have you ever tried to catch a lightening quick fish tail? It ain't easy. My 2nd attempt, I had to rope it fast & with determination. I did, but not without him getting another slap square in the mouth with the tail. Ouch! At least he was caught on both ends now.

While the tip of the bait knife broke while trying to do a quicker, humane kill, Jack still managed to bleed him out. We do have a bullybat, but it was at home. I never once thought Cobia would be on the dinner menu for this trip. Anyhow, once in the cooler, there was no more fight left in him. Nothing left in us either.

We tried to drop a couple more baits but our hearts weren't into it. We were content that we had more than enough meat and my seasickness was coming back. I convinced my stomach that it could handle some watermelon for the ride home. Ahhhh, watermelon never tasted so good. Cool, thirst-quenching, refreshing. I ate 4 pieces in a few minutes. I'm sure I looked like a starved sailor on a deserted island. My son also ate his share of watermelon.

Well, maybe tomorrow I can blog about how to process 101 lbs of meat. I took pictures during the process. We had cobia & mahi steaks for lunch, while my little guy had his mahi fried nuggets. I'll try to blog those recipes over the next few days too.

Happy Fishing Y'all!

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