Wednesday, October 17, 2007

2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, not by sight.

Here is my older "baby" under a 6,000 lb boat, sanding the bottom of it. It was because of his faith and courage that I was able to get past my fear of being near the boat without a trailer under it.

Here he is hand-sanding the sides and edges. He was a big help today in preparing the exterior of the boat for priming tomorrow.
We are to have faith like a child and certainly today, my son showed me that I could never have as much faith as he does. He trusts God and he trusts his father's judgement more than his mother's worries. At lunch time, he came in the door saying that he just loves his daddy so much that he didn't care if that meant working hard. He only wanted to be by his side.
What a beautiful picture of how every Christian should think of God the Father as well as how every son should love his Daddy.

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