Monday, January 26, 2015

LIVEWELL INSPECTION (Sunset & dolphin!)

by Robin

Jack and I splashed the boat after church to see if all Jack's new holes in the boat were sealed well and if clamps were clamped down well enough.

We kept him on the trailer while he filled the livewell and did some inspections in the bilge and around the hoses.  Everything went very smoothly and there will be pictures showing all that tomorrow.

However, since we were at the docks for inspection, and since we had to test the shrimp to see if they would drown or survive the new pump, we set out for Haulover Canal.

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We actually went east of it and up the Intracoastal to find some less crowded waters.  We made several drifts to check for flounder.  Honestly, the only thing that were interesting were the dolphin and birds.

There were 2 pods of dolphin.  I think both of them had a female in estrus and the boys were harassing them.  I will make another blog with interesting dolphin photos but for now, I have to share my favorite of them all.

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This is a happy boy. I guess he was showing off for the little lady.

So, then we headed back in as the sun was getting very low.

I stayed down in the cuddy for we were totally unprepared for such nippy wind.  Temps were dropping fast.

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However, the sunset did not disappoint at any phase of its setting.

The skies were marvelously painted with every single color you could think of.  We even saw a partial rainbow before we got to this stage.

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And then we came up on the docks and I had to capture a few pictures that included the sunset with my favorite walking bridge.

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Well, more later.  Wanted to share the cream of the crop with you!!


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