Thursday, April 26, 2007

I can't take it anymore!! We're going fishing tomorrow!

I'm in serious fishing withdrawls. My great spring tan is fading back to my white, freckly self. I cannot mentally pack another box today. My body hurts. I need some blue water therapy.

Yesterday I packed up the majority of little things in our school/play room. Don't think I'm abusing them by packing up their toys. Trust me, there are 4 big lego/bionicle bins left for them that you can't see.

Our home passed the majority of its inspection requirements. We have to negotiate the parts that didn't meet decent standards. (electrical stuff) So, it is still a go - I hope.

Here are a couple more of those pictures.

The view looking up from the front yard. I love it!

That woodsy lot on the side yard will never be built upon. The man behind us owns it, plus it is too small for a home to be placed there. It was sort of the odd piece, so it was left vacant. That's ok w/ me!

This is the view from the hot tub. You see, there are 2 porches. The screened in one will get glassed in and put under air, eventually.

The other one we call the Jimmy Buffet porch.

Here is the view from the opposite corner. I'm standing behind the workshop and looking towards the pool area. To the right is where I'm going to put my citrus trees that are desperately needing more room to grow.

This is the home of my future garden. It is much larger than it looks because I'm actually standing in the middle, not end, of the complete area. We have to adress some stuff in this area w/ the homeowner because I don't want to be hitting the old pool pump's pipes (if any). There will be a little walkway down the center to get to the gate.
I have a potential 2nd garden spot if this one doesn't work out.
Can't wait to post fish pictures tomorrow. I'm hoping for mahi mahi!

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday!!

And a big CONGRATULATIONS on the new house! It looks fabulous!